Showing posts with label Fun Kids Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun Kids Room. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Fun Kids Room Decorating Ideas!

Kids room decorating ideas, kids room and bedroom arrangement of colors for children should be determined by a single leitmotif: Fun. Friends and clients ask me all the time what it is that makes a great kid’s room? And, more specifically, what are some of the rooms are really great kid decorating ideas?
My answer is always the same: go for fun and ideas will come!
Organize your kids room decorating ideas around the following four elements and you will add functionality and style to the equation, and eventually winning kids’ rooms.
COLOR: Color of bedrooms for the children easily. Let them choose. Expect their choice to be brighter, sharper than yours will be Wilder.
My daughter chose a bright orange and yellow colors for her bedroom, and it was intuitively reasonable choice for the smaller north facing bedroom with minimal natural light from a small window. Warm colors decorated the space and, while they did pull the walls and ceiling, they were given a room safe, cozy feeling that made the space feel comfortable. Leave it for the kids!
You can select three or four additional shades associated with the original choice of your child paint to add interest and complexity. Use them as an accent color of the paint and the choice of accessories.
Do not forget to turn on the ceiling the other surface, to bring to life with color... read more
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